Deadline has been extended until 2/1//2024!
Jobs in the Aquaculture/Seafood/Commercial Fishing/Marine Industries have been declining over the past five years, but GO Virginia Region 6 has a high concentration of employment in this industry. This industry is prime for growth in Region 6, especially in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula as well as GO Virginia Region 5’s Eastern Shore. This project will continue to promote jobs in the aquaculture industry cluster by expanding high school students' understanding of what jobs are available in the aquaculture industry cluster, expanding educational opportunities that meet employers’ needs, and supporting internship opportunities that help young people gain experience and awareness. The updated Promoting Careers in Aquaculture 2.0 program’s multi-prong approach will create positive career and growth opportunities for students, teachers and participating industry partners. The 2023 pilot project was proven successful, and there is interest and demand from localities including industry and students to continue the program. For students, provided access to a series of online aquaculture learning modules, a one-week educational and experiential summer experience, and a four week summer internship with a local aquaculture business. The initiative will target high school juniors. These educational opportunities will inform and prepare students for different jobs in the shellfish aquaculture industry. Upon successful competition of the program students will receive a cash stipend and digital badge/credential. For local employers, the project team will foster local industry partnerships with the goal of developing successful internship opportunities for the students. Training will be provided to industry partners to make the internships a win-win experience. Through this initiative, students will develop connections with potential future employers in the aquaculture industry in Region 6. While job creation will not be immediate, these students will be exposed to opportunities within the region to either get a job right after high school or return to the region after receiving higher education. DETAILED PROGRAM OVERVIEW The project team is currently seeking additional support from local business owners, industry leaders, local community colleges and K12 school systems interested in contributing time and resources in support of the program. Interested students can check out the MHS counseling Canvas page or see Ms. Baltrusaitis in the counseling office. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/103/LCPS/3911150/Aqua_2.0_Overview_Students_FINAL.pdf

Bridging Communities Career and Technical Center applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now available. Find the link for the application on the Counseling Canvas Page or the Bridging website.
Email your completed application to Ms. Kekoa: lkekoa@mcps.k12.va.us
Completed applications, as well as the RCC application and RCC Parent Consent Form, are due by Friday, February 23, 2024.
Contact your counselor with questions.

There will be a prom interest meeting for junior class parents/guardians on Thursday, February 8th at 5:30 PM in the library. The junior class officers and sponsors would appreciate help as we plan and prepare for prom. If you are interested in helping but cannot attend, please reach out to Sarah Chowning at schowning@mcps.k12.va.us or (804)758-2132. This meeting will occur before the college application process meeting for juniors and their parents/guardians.

MCPS celebrates our School Counselors!

MIDDLESEX ATHLETICS for the week of February 5-10, 2024

On Thursday evening, February 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the MHS Media Center, Ms. Baltrusaitis from the MHS Counseling Department will hold a workshop for juniors and their parents about preparing for the college application process. Email Ms. B. at abaltrusaitis@mcps.k12.va.us with questions.


There will be a workshop tomorrow (Tuesday, 1/23/24) at 6:00 PM in the MHS media center for seniors and their parents/guardians about ways to pay for college. For more information, email Ms. Baltrusaitis at abaltrusaitis@mcps.k12.va.us
The junior class is selling raffle tickets during school and at home basketball games. A $5 ticket gives you a chance to win AirPod Pros, Beats Pros, a 44 quart Orca cooler, or a Stihl leaf blower. If you would like to purchase a ticket, please call the high school at 758-2132.

Jobs in the Aquaculture/Seafood/Commercial Fishing/Marine Industries
have been declining over the past five years, but GO Virginia Region 6 has a
high concentration of employment in this industry. This industry is prime for
growth in Region 6, especially in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula as
well as GO Virginia Region 5’s Eastern Shore. This project will continue to
promote jobs in the aquaculture industry cluster by expanding high school
students' understanding of what jobs are available in the aquaculture
industry cluster, expanding educational opportunities that meet employers’
needs, and supporting internship opportunities that help young people gain
experience and awareness.
The updated Promoting Careers in Aquaculture 2.0 program’s multi-prong
approach will create positive career and growth opportunities for students,
teachers and participating industry partners. The 2023 pilot project was proven
successful, and there is interest and demand from localities including industry and
students to continue the program.
For students, provided access to a series of online aquaculture learning modules,
a one-week educational and experiential summer experience, and
a four week summer internship with a local aquaculture business. The
initiative will target high school juniors. These educational opportunities will
inform and prepare students for different jobs in the shellfish aquaculture
industry. Upon successful competition of the program students will receive a
cash stipend and digital badge/credential.
For local employers, the project team will foster local industry partnerships with
the goal of developing successful internship opportunities for the students.
Training will be provided to industry partners to make the internships a win-win
Through this initiative, students will develop connections with potential
future employers in the aquaculture industry in Region 6. While job creation
will not be immediate, these students will be exposed to opportunities
within the region to either get a job right after high school or return to the
region after receiving higher education.
The project team is currently seeking additional support from local
business owners, industry leaders, local community colleges and K12 school systems interested in contributing time and resources in
support of the program.
Interested students can check out the MHS counseling Canvas page or see Ms. Baltrusaitis in the counseling office.


Attached is the senior page pricelist for the yearbook.

Next week's schedule.
Monday, 1/15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - School is closed
Tuesday, 1/16 - A day
Wednesday, 1/17 - B day
Thursday, 1/18 - A day
Friday, 1/19 - B day

MLK Day closing

The away JV and varsity boys' basketball games at Nandua scheduled for today have been moved to February 12, 2024.


Audience: seniors and parents
The new FAFSA is now ready for use! If your child is planning to attend any type of schooling after high school (college, community college, trade school), you will need to complete the FAFSA to be eligible for any federal, state, or school-based aid. See the Counseling Canvas page for information about accessing the FAFSA and come to the workshop, Paying for College, here at MHS in the Media Center at 6 pm on Tuesday, January 23.
Audience: juniors and parents
MHS is offering an SAT administration for juniors considering attending four year colleges. While the SAT may not be needed for admission, it may be needed for scholarship and honor college consideration; it can be helpful to have a score for the future.
The test will be given on the teacher workday in March, Monday, March 11 at 9 am. The test costs $60 and waivers are available. Please see the Counseling Canvas page to complete both the interest form and the waiver form by January 19.
Audience: sophomores and juniors
The Bridging Communities application for next school year will soon be available. If you are considering a Bridging program, you are welcome to tour the campus, meet the instructors, and learn more about the process on our Field Trip to Bridging on Tuesday, January 30. Please complete the interest form on the Counseling Canvas page by January 19 to receive a permission form.

The winter semi formal dance will be Friday, February 16, 2024 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the MHS gym. Tickets are $5 each and will go on sale in early February.
The MHS Choir is having a fundraiser at Little Jimmy's restaurant in Urbanna on Wednesday January 10, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
5% of profits will be given to the choir.
Please come support the MHS Choir and have great food at the same time!

Senior cap and gown pictures will be taken at MHS on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Yours Truly Photography will start taking pictures at 8:30 AM. Caps and gowns will be provided for students.
Make up cap and gown pictures will be Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

Athletics for the Week of January 8-13, 2024

Athletics for the Week of January 1-6, 2024