Important reminders for the upcoming week!

Senior night for cross country, golf, and volleyball is Thursday, 10/10/24 at the end of the JV volleyball game.
Senior night for band , cheer, and football is Friday, 11/8/24 at halftime.

Monday, 10/14 - B day
Tuesday, 10/15 - A day
Wednesday, 10/16 - B day
Thursday, 10/17 - A day - early dismissal at 12:15 PM - parent teacher conferences from 2:00 to 6:00 PM
Friday, 10/18 - no school for students

Attention high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors:
Gloucester High School is hosting a College and Career Fair on October 17th from 5pm-7pm. Take advantage of this opportunity to engage with representatives from over 40 universities, colleges, and professional training schools. See the flyer for additional information!

Congratulations to Iyana Jenkins for taking first in yesterday's cross country meet and to the boys' cross country team for also taking first!! Go Chargers!

Congratulations to MHS Homecoming Court! Homecoming is Friday, October 11, 2024. The parade starts at the courthouse at 5:30 PM and ends at MHS. Gates open at 6:00 PM for the football game, and the king and queen will be crowned at halftime. The dance will be in the gym until 10:30 PM.
Freshman Court - Lailah Baylor and Melody Jones and
Sophomore Court - Pollie Hammond and Alyssa Hooks
Junior Court - Kaitlyn Hargrove and Kylina Morning
Senior King Candidates - Cole Glasco, Jaquan Griffin, Aider Major, and Luke McMurtrie
Senior Queen Candidate - Hailey Bruce, Magen Daniels, Zikirah Morris, and Karlie Parker

Middlesex Lady Chargers Volleyball Team is selling PINK OUT Shirts for our game on
October 17, 2024
Forms are in the office at Middlesex High School and are due by October 8. 2024.
Money raised will be donated to longtime supporter and graduate of Middlesex High School
Angel Dickerson Brown
$16 – Pink Short Sleeve $ 22- Pink long Sleeve
( 2XL or larger any style add $5.00 per shirt)

Dear MHS Families
Middlesex County Public Schools has partnered with the Cook Center for Human Connection and their Mental Health Resource Center, ParentGuidance.org.
ParentGuidance.org is a website that was developed to help parents, guardians, and caregivers with parenting advice from the top clinicians and experts who offer guidance around issues related to the most common challenges parents face today: anxiety, social media use, school avoidance, bullying, and more.
It offers on-demand, anonymous courses and resources from experts who can help parents address common concerns, improve family relationships, and support your overall child's emotional well-being. The content is created by licensed therapists and experienced teachers! ParentGuidance.org wants to give parents and caregivers the tools they need to create a loving and supportive home for their children. Find the tools that you need to support your family, in English or Spanish, completely free.

Good morning MHS families. Please use the link below to read and electronically sign the handbook.

Good morning. Please read the message below from the MHS counseling office.
Preregistration for the October PSAT ends on Friday, September 13. This test can be used as practice for the college entrance test, the SAT. All juniors planning to go to a four year college are urged to take this practice test both for National Merit Scholarship consideration and to help prepare for the SAT.
The test can also be used to qualify for dual enrollment placement at RCC, which will be needed for students selected for CBGS or a Bridging program. Freshmen applying to Governor's School and Sophomores applying for a Bridging program this year are also encouraged to take the test.
Your student can register through the link on the Counseling Canvas page. Please contact your student's counselor if you have any questions.

Tickets are available to purchase on gofan . Windsor can accept credit or debit cards at the gate but no cash.
go fan link (https://gofan.co/event/1546522?schoolId=VA12858)
Clear bags are allowed.

MCPS is hosting a livestream event with Virginia's First Lady, Suzanne Youngkin, and author of "The Anxious Generation," Dr. Jonathan Haigdt on September 19, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the SCW Media Center. Dr. Haigdt explores the impact of social media and other cultural changes on today's youth. The Middlesex community is invited to this event. Please use the link below to register for your spot! https://forms.gle/xqKwaZAtZUMkLNyt9

Good afternoon. This is a reminder that school pictures are tomorrow, Wednesday, 9/4/24. Pictures will be taken in the morning for all underclassmen and senior formal pictures. Yours Truly provides the tuxes and drapes for seniors to wear for their formal pictures.

ParentGuidance.org is an online platform designed to assist those who care for children by addressing and enhancing mental health wellness and self-care. Services include one-on-one coaching, "Ask A Therapist" options, and webinars offered throughout the school year for families. Live links for registration can be found on our Family Health & Wellness page of our division and school websites or by scanning the QR codes.
If you have any questions about this program, please reach out to our schools!

Good afternoon. No bags are allowed at events at MHS; this includes athletic events. Cell phones and keys are allowed as are diaper bags. The evolve security system will be used at all MHS events.

We are still hiring for the 2024-2025 school year! Use the link below to access our online application:

Good afternoon. Due to the long labor day weekend, the schedule for the next two weeks is as follows:
Monday, 8/26 - B day
Tuesday, 8/27 - A day
Wednesday, 8/28 - B day
Thursday, 8/29 - A day
Tuesday, 9/3 - A day
Wednesday, 9/4- B day
Thursday, 9/5 - A day
Friday, 9/6 - B day

Good afternoon. The drama club will hold an interest meeting after school tomorrow, August 22, 2024, from 3:15 to 3:45 PM in room 307. Plans are underway to have a play and musical this year. Students must be picked up in front of the high school at 3:45 PM. If you have any questions, please call the school.

Monday, August 19th
Varsity Golf @ Lancaster-4:00 PM (depart MHS 2:30 PM)
Tuesday, August 20th
JV & Varsity Volleyball vs Westmoreland (scrimmage)-5:30 & 7:00 PM
Thursday, August 22nd
JV & Varsity Volleyball vs Gloucester (scrimmage)-5:30 & 7:00 PM

MCPS Bus Routes for 24-25 are now available on our website!
Check them out here: https://www.mcps.k12.va.us/page/transportation